Former Career Fire and EMS Lieutenant-Specialst, Writer, and Master Photographer.

5 responses to “Vintage Television Window Display”

  1. […] Emily Pratt Slatin’s blog, “Vintage Television Window Display.“ […]

  2. mydangblog Avatar

    You look like a retro futuristic astronaut! Love it!

    1. Emily Slatin Avatar

      Thanks. I was helping out a friend that day and this storefront window caught my eye. Totally worth it!

  3. John W. Hays Avatar
    John W. Hays

    Way cool effect! Nice catch. There is so much to it! I thought it was the helmet that I liked but then I saw the two arms and knew that was it. Then I couldn’t decide because Din Grogu came into view and the trunk hardware, and the line in the vintage TV. Also, reflection of your legs below the TV that also show up IN the TV. An image that keeps on giving.

    1. Emily Slatin Avatar

      Wow! Thank you so much! This was a fun window display to say the least!

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